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Wet Curtain

Introduction of wet curtain products:
Large evaporation surface, good permeability, can ensure water evenly penetrate the wet curtain wall, cooling efficiency of more than 85%.
◆It does not contain surfactants, natural water absorption, diffusion speed, performance and lasting. A drop of water can be diffused in 4~5 seconds.
◆It is highly absorbent, natural water absorption is 60~70mm/5min or 200mm/1.5hour.
◆The corrugated paper by special treatment, high structural strength, no deformation, durable.
◆The specific spatial structure, provides the evaporation surface water and air heat exchange.
wet curtain cooling has ventilation and corrosion resistance, and it has excellent filtering effect to the dust of in the air, is non-toxic and tasteless clean humidification, oxygen cooling environmental protection material, so it is used as air purification and filtration medium.
It has the advantages of easy installation, non-toxic and harmless to human body, green, safe, energy saving, environmental protection and economy.
◆The size can be customized according to customer requirements.
◆The frame material: Aluminum Alloy, galvanized plate, stainless steel, plastic.

curtain combined with negative pressure fan can be used in poultry breeding,
livestock breeding, greenhouse cultivation, gardening flower planting,
industrial production and other indoor cooling and humidifying functions.

The wet
curtain is installed on the other side of the window, the air through the wet
curtain evaporation, by fan blowing in every corner, the indoor temperature
decreased rapidly. The greenhouse structure and the wet curtain must improve
coordination can play the biggest power of wet curtain

quality wet curtain does not contain phenol, which is easy to cause skin
allergy, and is non-toxic and harmless to human body when being installed and
used. It is green, safe, energy-saving, environmental friendly and economical.

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Contact us
manager:Alice 0086 18353659311
Address:North End Of Yiwangfu North Rd., Economic Development Zone, Qingzhou, Shandong, China (Mainland).

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