
Qingzhou Dahan Heavy Industry Co.,Ltd.
Call me!
Tel:0086 18353659311
Email: Alice@qzdhzg.com
Qingzhou Dahan Heavy Industry Co.,Ltd.
Mobile: 0086 18353659311
Skype: Alice Chen
WeChat: 1091767485
WhatsApp: 008618353659311
Tel: +86 0536 8800950
Fax: +86 0536 8800950
Website: www.sygrhc.com
Address: The North Of Yiwangfu North Road, Economic Development Zone,Qingzhou ,Shandong ,China
  Qingzhou Dahan Heavy  Industry Co., Ltd. is a Chinese supplier and manufacturer fabricating concrete pole machines, concrete pipe machines and crane.Pipe making machine ,pole mould,crane,roll seam welding machine , all kinds of pipe mould are the main products of our company , with advanced production and processing equipment ,more than20 years production experience. Our company provides complete set of production line equipment of drainage pipe/culvert pipe/electrical pole.Research and development, design, production, installation in a body specialized manufacturers Company, Our company is devoted to fabricating the modernized industrial assembly lines that are in favor of environmental protection . Our products have passed certification of International Quality System.The equipment meet national standards and can be customized according to the standards of the world. Our products spread all over Africa, Middle Asia and Southeast Asia. We use the true ,our own product photos to show you. Welcome to visit our factory for business ! ……
product centers
Contact us
manager:Alice 0086 18353659311
Address:North End Of Yiwangfu North Rd., Economic Development Zone, Qingzhou, Shandong, China (Mainland).

Follow sweep the DAHAN Heavy Industries official website For more details, please have a call.
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