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Wet Curtain Collocation Fan Use

Working principle:

water or wet curtain wall cooling equipment is installed In the end of the
window of plant, the negative pressure fan is installed at the opposite end. the
hot air in the workshop will be drawn by negative pressure fan, at the same
time  of ventilation cooling dust
removal, cause pressure difference inside and outside,

 to the outside air through the cooling water
curtain sheet / water evaporation the wet curtain wall heat instantly cool,
cool air will be blown inside the plant Everfount, and create a comfortable,
cool and clean working environment. No matter how hot summer, wet curtain
cooling and negative pressure fan ventilation cooling system can use your
workshop temperature is always maintained between 24 DEG ~29 DEG, the indoor
air circulation, increase the oxygen content in the air, can reduce the
occupation disease in a great extent, and improve work efficiency!

Product introduction

1, this product is a special paper honeycomb structure material, wave height is 5mm, the wave is 45 x 45 degrees staggered opposite. A new generation of polymer materials and space cross-linking technology, high water absorption, high water resistance, mildew resistance, long service life.

2. The evaporation surface of this product is larger than that of the surface, and the cooling effect is more than 80%.

3, this product does not contain surfactant, natural water absorption, diffusion speed, lasting efficacy. To achieve the performance indicators of domestic counterparts. Natural water absorption height 60--70mm/5 minutes, 200mm/ hours, fully meet the international standards.

4. This product does not contain phenol and other chemicals which are easy to cause skin allergy. It is non-toxic and harmless to human body when being installed and used. It is green, safe, energy-saving, environmental friendly and economical

Remarks: all the products of the same kind in the market will have some odor in the first / two use because of the glue compound. It will disappear slowly after three days and five days, and the smell is non-toxic and harmless. For the first two days, please change water frequently, so you can quickly clean the smell, or add fresh agent.

Applicable scope

1. Industrial field: textile, clothing, glass, rubber, injection molding, spray coating, screen printing, printing,Toys, household appliances, footwear, electronics, food processing, dyeing, laundry and other high temperature, such as.And other factory workshops.

2, civil areas: Internet cafes, supermarkets, canteens, exhibition halls, waiting rooms and entertainment venues, such as temperature regulation.

3. Agriculture: large farms, greenhouses, greenhouses and livestock farms

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Contact us
manager:Alice 0086 18353659311
Address:North End Of Yiwangfu North Rd., Economic Development Zone, Qingzhou, Shandong, China (Mainland).

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